ASIC Antminer S19 95 TH/s от Bitmain купить для майнинга биткоинов | Asic Miner от ECOS - Россия

Antminer S19 95 TH/s



Detalhes do hardware

  • Desvantagens energéticas: 3200 W
  • Hashrate: 95 TH/s
  • Algoritmo: SHA256
  • Condição: New

Taxa de serviço mensal de hospedagem


Taxa de pacote de instalação



  • Logistic to data center
    Logistic to data center
    The data center is located in the city of Hrazdan in the Republic of Armenia, on the territory of the Free Economic Zone. The delivery and installation time can vary from 14 days to 1 month.
  • Connection to the mining pool
  • Security
    The area of the data center is protected with armed security and round-the-clock video surveillance.
  • Pre-check
    The team of professionals from our Data Center will check the integrity of the equipment, its configuration and operability. They will make sure the rig works as intended and produces the declared power. Our specialists will unpack the device, connect it to the network and monitor its effectiveness.
  • Cables & wires
  • Installation in data center
    Installation in data center
    The device is installed in a special rack and connected to a 220-volt, 50-Hz power supply network from our own thermal powerplant. A cable with an rj45 connector is used to connect it to the Internet. Then, it is configured to work with a mining pool — a computer and the administrative interface of the device are used for this purpose alongside updating its firmware and connecting to our performance monitoring system.
  • Electricity, 100% uptime
    Electricity, 100% uptime
    The data center receives the electricity directly from the Hrazdan power station. It guarantees a steady supply of energy and almost 100% uptime.
Total Price:

O Antminer S19 da Bitmain é um minerador SHA256 ASIC lançado em 2020. Esta máquina de mineração tem um hashrate máximo de 95 TH/s para um consumo de energia de 3250 watts e é uma escolha popular para mineradores BTC. É um pouco inferior à linha PRO, mas ainda é eficiente e rentável.

O Antminer S19 da Bitmain pertence à nova linha de mineradores altamente poderosos e econômicos. Graças a ele, você receberá uma renda sempre alta, apesar da crescente complexidade da mineração.

Em comparação com seus antecessores, os modelos T17 e S17, o novo item pode se orgulhar de:

  • Eficiência energética aumentada em cerca de 30%
  • A taxa de hash aumentou quase 100%

Se você decidir comprá-lo, pode esperar um retorno impressionante do investimento. O preço que terá de pagar será bastante razoável, comparando com outras marcas e produtos da mesma categoria.

Este modelo é especialmente útil agora que a dificuldade de mineração disparou dramaticamente. Muitos mineradores reclamam que seus lucros despencaram. Com Antminer S19, você deve ter boas chances de ganhar dinheiro.

Ao mesmo tempo, você enfrentará muitas dificuldades relacionadas ao transporte. Você terá que passar pela alfândega, obter licenças especiais e registrar seu ASIC em várias autoridades. Para evitar estresse excessivo, é melhor confiar a nós a tarefa de instalação, armazenamento e manutenção do seu ASIC.

Recursos do ASIC S19

Os consumidores continuam elogiando este minerador por seus seguintes méritos:

  • Firmware atualizado
  • Mecanismo de controle inteligente
  • Aumento da velocidade inicial
  • Chip de nova geração com uma arquitetura atualizada

Se você ler as avaliações dos compradores, descobrirá que esta máquina é excepcionalmente confiável. Será muito improvável relatar um erro.

Quanto lucro pode trazer

Esta unidade foi projetada para minerar cerca de 20 ativos digitais. Ele segue o algoritmo SHA-256. Sinta-se à vontade para usar nossa calculadora para estimar seu lucro aproximado!

Os resultados de seus cálculos podem mudar com o tempo e dependem das previsões do preço do bitcoin e da dificuldade de mineração.

Especificações técnicas

  • taxa de hash: 95 TH/s
  • Potência consumida: 3250 Watts
  • eficiência: 34,5±5% J/TH
  • algoritmo de hash: SHA-256
  • Chip “BM1391” de 7 nm de 2ª geração
  • compatibilidade de ativos: Bitcoin (BTC) / BitcoinCash (BCH)
  • conexão: Ethernet
  • tamanho: 400/195,5/290
  • peso: 14,2 kg
  • Ruído: 82dB
  • temperatura de operação: 0 a 40 °С
  • temperatura permitida do ambiente: -40 a 85° C
  • umidade: 5% (operação); 95% (relativo)

Antminer S19 XP 141 TH/s от Bitmain — это высокоэффективное и мощное оборудование для майнинга, которое превосходит многие другие майнинг-устройства. Этот майнер имеет максимальный хешрейт 141 TH/s при потребляемой мощности 3031 Вт. С помощью этого устройства майнеры смогут максимизировать свою прибыль и присоединиться к элитной лиге успешных майнеров.

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ECOS устанавливает ваше оборудование на майнинг-ферме, подключает и запускает его

Вы получаете BTC каждый день

1. ECOS-M несет ответственность за любые неисправности оборудования, возникающие в течение 6 месяцев после покупки на этом сайте.

2. Компания ECOS обеспечит ремонт оборудования в течение этого гарантийного срока.

3. Что происходит после покупки?

В течение 2 недель после получения оплаты ECOS разместит оборудование в своем дата-центре. Оборудование будет предварительно проверено, подключено к электросети, а также к майнинговому пулу и настроено. После этого устройство начнет работать. Добытые биткоины будут переведены непосредственно на кошелек покупателя. Покупатель сможет отслеживать процесс в своем личном кабинете в приложении.

4. В течение какого времени оборудование будет находиться на ферме?

Средний срок службы ASIC составляет 4 года, но вы можете запросить его для доставки в любое время.

5. Что произойдет после истечения срока размещения?

Если оборудование вышло из строя и не подлежит восстановлению, есть два варианта. ECOS либо отправит установку покупателю, либо оставит ее в дата-центре и утилизирует.

6. Можете ли вы отправить оборудование покупателю?

Да, мы можем — но не сразу после покупки. ECOS предоставляет полный объем услуг. Поэтому майнинговое оборудование может быть отправлено покупателю с дополнительной оплатой доставки.

7. Какова стоимость и срок поставки оборудования?

Стоимость доставки и срок доставки рассчитываются индивидуально. Это зависит от страны проживания покупателя.

8. Каковы гарантии после 6 месяцев эксплуатации майнингового оборудования на ферме?

Каждый случай выхода из строя оборудования после 6 месяцев эксплуатации рассматривается индивидуально. Майнинговое оборудование редко выходит из строя преждевременно — но если это случается, ECOS сделает все возможное, чтобы помочь своему покупателю. Вы можете отремонтировать оборудование в сервисном центре ECOS, где у нас находится склад запасных частей. Этим будет заниматься команда технического обслуживания, прошедшая обучение у производителя. Кроме того, мы можем отправить оборудование вам, если вы пожелаете отремонтировать его самостоятельно. Стоимость ремонта зависит от конкретной проблемы, возникшей с устройством. По истечении 6 месяцев ECOS, со своей стороны, гарантирует, что, если случится поломка оборудования, она будет своевременно обнаружена. ECOS также гарантирует предоставление всех возможных вариантов ремонта.

What is an ASIC?

ASIC refers to an application-specific integrated circuit. It is a type of circuit that has been designed for a single specific purpose. An ASIC miner refers to a device that uses microprocessors for the sole purpose of "mining" digital currency.

What is an ASIC mining?

This is the process of managing the blockchain and also creating new bitcoins with the help of an ASIC rig. An ASIC miner is a piece of equipment that is purposely-built solely for mining. Unlike other types of mining devices, ASICs can only be used to mine cryptos and nothing else. The mining process involves solving complex mathematical problems using intrinsic hash functions linked to the block that contains the transaction data.

Can this ASIC mine altcoins?

Unfortunately, no. Each digital asset has its unique crypto algorithm. Each miner is compatible only with a specific algorithm and can’t switch to any other one. Antiminer S19 was designed to mine Bitcoin, the largest and most popular cryptocurrency.

Which crypto algorithm does this miner support

It supports the SHA-256 algorithm, the algorithm of Bitcoin.

What is a mining pool?

A mining pool is a joint group of cryptocurrency miners who combine their computational resources over a network to strengthen the probability of finding a block or otherwise successfully mining for cryptocurrency. Participants of a mining pool individually contribute their processing power towards the effort of finding a block. If the pool is successful in these efforts, participants receive a reward, which is usually distributed equally among its miners.

Is it possible to earn from mining with an ASIC miner?

Feel free to use our handy online calculator to estimate your potential income! The exact numbers might vary depending on several external factors, such as the current mining difficulty and the cost of energy in your area. We offer the most profitable and efficient mining equipment. You should be able to make a sustainable income from it. To maximize your earnings, try to place the ASIC in a location with cheap electricity.

If I buy this ASIC, how many Bitcoins will I be able to mine with it per month and per year?

Diese Prozesse sind kompliziert und zeitaufwendig, deshalb haben wir den Prozess des Minings vereinfacht, indem wir unseren Kunden Service wie Pre-Check und Setup, Verbindung zum Mining-Pool, voll legale Ausrüstung/Hardware, 6 Monate Garantie, benutzerfreundliches persönliches Konto und mobile App anbieten. Alle diese Funktionen sind für Sie nach dem Kauf des Plans ASIC + Hosting umfasst verfügbar.

How many Bitcoins will I be able to earn per 24 hours?

The answer depends on the mining difficulty and can fluctuate significantly over time. With the current mining difficulty, one Antminer S19 can earn around 0,00000270 BTC in 24 hours.

When I complete the order, will you send me a purchase certificate and a warranty?

Yes. You’ll get a purchase certificate. The warranty will last for 6 months. We’ll install your ASIC in a dedicated data center. ECOS Data Center was built and designed for efficient bitcoin mining. It is located on the territory of Hrazdan thermal power plant and receives electricity directly from it. ECOS provides clients with an all-in-one service for mining bitcoin with ASICs, or mining-as-a-service. This allows customers not to ponder where to install the equipment and how to maintain it. Thanks for choosing us!

How do I connect, install and configure an ASIC?

It’s 95TH/s. It’s enough to ensure consistently high productivity. Even though the difficulty of mining has increased dramatically, you should be able to get a sustainable profit.

Wie viel kann ein Antminer pro Tag verdienen?

These processes are complicated and time-consuming, that's why we have simplified the process of mining by offering our clients several services such as pre-check and setup, connection to the mining pool, fully legal equipment/hardware, 6 months warranty, user-friendly personal account and mobile app. All these features are available to you after the purchase of plan ASIC + hosting includes.

What level of technical proficiency is required for setup and is it accompanied by instructional documentation?

If you buy an ASIC with your own setup, you have to consider a number of technical requirements to ensure the high uptime of your rig: connection to a reliable power network, stable internet connection, cooling, performance monitoring system and do not forget about an acceptable noise level. You will find comprehensive instructions in the shipping box. Otherwise you can choose to host an ASIC at the ECOS data center with all the necessary infrastructure and 24/7 maintenance team. Whenever you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our technical support crew 24/7!